Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Book Review - Humilitas by Dickson

Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love, and Leadership by John Dickson

My wife and I just finished a great little book on leadership called Humilitas by John Dickson. We heard John speak at a conference in Aug. 2011 where he presented a few of the books key points. We were intrigued so we decided to read it together (I read, Mecca listened). John is a PhD Historian, he is a pastor, and he is a thoughtful writer (bonus: he is Austrailan and funny). Essentially, he researched the historical development of the word humilitas (Latin) and discovered that the word changed means and uses after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Hmmm.
Here are a few "teaser" points from the book:
Humility = "the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources or use your influence for the good of others before yourself"
John writes (pg 24) that humility presupposes your dignity. The one being humble acts from a height so to speak, as the "lowering" etymology makes clear. True humility assumes the dignity or strength of the one possessing the virtue, which is why it should not be confused with having low self-esteem or being a doormat for others (pg 25). In fact, I would go so far as to say that it is impossible to be humble in the real sense without a healthy sense of your own worth and abilities.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Luke 10 - Jesus & forerunners

I am struck again by Jesus' use of forerunners or people that would "go ahead of Him" and prepare people and cities for His coming. We see this in John the Baptist. We see this continuing in Luke 9:52-53 and 10:1-24. Jesus needed people going ahead of Him to stir people, awaken people, and create curiosity in people. He even instructed the 72 to stay at the same house (10:7), why? I think it was so that the hosts could see an extended snapshot into the life of a Jesus follower - Jesus wanted the interaction to go beyond an evening of hospitality and niceties - He wanted true witness. Then verses 16 and 22 teach a supernatural work that involves the "forerunners" but requires a work of Jesus - revealing Himself to them.
It is exciting to think that we get to be involved in Jesus' work. We live the life, plant the seeds, show Jesus, speak of Jesus - largely we are forerunners - what a privilege and amazing call!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bible reading - Luke 8 and Psalm 10

Luke 8 - it is all about faith. faith is the beginning and end, it opens doors and moves mountains. Those with ears that hear and eyes that see are the people of faith.

Psalm 10 - raw, real, advocating for the lowly, angry over evil people that prosper... God WILL make things right, He does not forget, He is a faithful Father.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Psalm 8

Verses 3-8
This section has become more meaningful to me. God has endowed humans with many strengths and abilities and He expects us to "make something of the world" - to create - no humdrum life! Make something, do something godly and reflect your Creator. Thank you Andy Crouch for your book, Culture Making - it is changing be big time!

Bible today - Psalm 9

read Psalm 9 last evening... I appreciated the truth about God's special care and knowledge of the oppressed and needy - Praise God!
verse 10 - the Lord will never forsake those who seek Him - AMEN!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bible today - Luke 6

reading Luke 6 today... I notice how verses 17-49 are in contrast with all of Jesus' dialog/battling with the Pharisees in the previous sections/chapters. It is not that Jesus has a lower standard than the religious leaders of His day, rather that He bought the heart into the center of everything and intensified the application. Jesus' Kingdom vision is the ability for the individual to be able to IMPROVISE in minute to minute living - do the right-good-best thing as you see opportunities. I will be looking for the improvisations... by His grace.