Sunday, July 10, 2011

Luke 10:25-37 The Neighbor

I am teaching a Bible study right now through the parables in the Book of Luke.
Today was the parable of "The Good Samaritan"
In studying for it, I was once again amazed that how this familiar passage is so deep and so simple and so relevant.
#1 The issue is not about understanding, it is about applying - the expert knew the right answer, but was questioning the application - there Jesus re-directed him to focus on himself BEING a neighbor rather then on WHO is his neighbor.

#2 The priest - this character is deep b/c he represents a controversy in 1st century Judaism AND in Jesus' "way." According to the Law (Lev 21:1-3, Num 5:2; 19:2-13, etc) the priest was to stay ceremonily clean, but the 1st century Mishnah (Nazir 6:5; 7:1) taught that the priest was to sacrifice his "clean-ness" and care for the person out of respect for his family and his humanity. So was the priest "JUSTIFIED" in crossing to the other side? Sounds like this was a point of tension?? Sounds like Jesus is exposing this and then making His big point off of it.

#3 The Samaritan - in Luke 9:52-56, the Samaritans REJECT Jesus and tell Him not to come to their area. The Disciples want to throw down fire on them... Jesus rebukes the Disciples... Jesus uses the Samaritan as the person to model after in Luke 10... WHY?! Jesus is saying don't stereotype: people, ethnicities, geographies, classes of people - Jesus is teaching that ALL people are capable of becoming agents of redemption and beauty. 

THE POINT - "be" a neighbor = a person who "sees," who has compassion/pity, who takes action (ridiculously generous action) - I know the truth - I need to apply it - live it - be it - do it - in Jesus' name for His glory.

Personal - I need to trust the Holy Spirit more... I need to be at peace with the world and my circumstances... I need to allow the Spirit to move through me and make me a neighbor of beauty and compassion. Homeless people, people that walk into my office, my kids, my wife, my boss, my friends... I want to be ready, be trusting, be at peace... be beautiful for Jesus' glory and my satisfaction.

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